
New management tools added to Silvey Fleet’s Miles Monitor

Silvey Fleet’s Miles Monitor Licence Check has been upgraded. Already one of the market’s leading fleet management tools, with accurate mileage capture, travel-related expenses processing and grey fleet compliance checks, Miles Monitor will now give fleet managers greater autonomy over driving licence detail changes.

Streamlining licence checks

Driving licence checks are a necessary but time-consuming part of managing a fleet. Manual checking is a costly use of admin time, putting huge pressure on managers. For businesses with different divisions, it can be a challenging task to keep on top of.

Silvey Fleet’s driving licence check service centralises the process. Outsourcing this job not only saves time, it offers consolidated reporting and a clear audit trail, with licences checked and validated within minutes.

Miles Monitor Licence Check Self-Serve

The new management tool – Self-Serve – allows fleet managers to upload new drivers to the Miles Monitor system themselves in order for DVLA licence checks to be conducted.

The tool gives fleet managers an administrator role, allowing them control over adding and updating employee details without having to contact Silvey Fleet.

The role authorises fleet managers to:

  • Add employees to the system
  • Edit employee accounts
  • Switch employees into leavers’ schemes

This saves essential administration time and streamlines the process, giving fleet managers the assurance they need to drive efficiency across their operations.

Want to know more about how we can help your fleet run more smoothly with Miles Monitor Licence Check? Email priority@silvey.co.uk or call us on 01454 333022.

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