
Mileage claims driving you insane? We’ve got an app for that!

Mileage expense claims

With experts predicting that high fuel costs will be with us for the foreseeable future, fleet managers and business owners are keen to find ways of improving efficiencies within their fleet to help reduce or control spend. The Miles Monitor mobile app from Silvey Fleet can help them achieve this goal.

Managing mileage expense claims takes a lot of time and effort, especially if processes are still paper based. Our industry-leading Miles Monitor app streamlines the process, reducing administration and improving accuracy – potentially cutting mileage claim costs by up to 15%.

Automated mileage capture – easy for the drivers

For fleet vehicle drivers, mileage can be automatically captured, recorded and loaded to the Miles Monitor reporting system. Drivers of company cars and grey fleet vehicles can specify their working hours, so that journeys within this timeframe are automatically recorded.

Consolidating all fuel spend data

For drivers using fuel cards, fleet managers can use Miles Monitor to access fuel spend data from any supplier. Drivers who buy fuel and then claim for mileage can scan and upload their petrol receipts via the app. This allows all fuel spend data to be consolidated and displayed via the online dashboard and reporting system.

Accurate processing of mileage claims

All mileage claims are carefully audited by our highly-trained team who will contact the driver on your behalf if any issues need resolving. Once complete, we upload an HMRC payroll-ready file so payments or deductions can be made.

By reducing administration, this paper-free, streamlined process also frees up time for fleet managers to focus on managing their fleet. Having all mileage, fuel costs and claims data in one place provides in-depth, accurate reporting on vehicles, journeys made, miles driven, fuel spend, MPG and CO2 – all the information they need to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

If you would like to find out how Silvey Fleet could help improve your fleet performance click here for our enquiry form.

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